
Ethylene is the fundamental plastic building block in the chemical industry and is produced through steam cracking. It has a boiling point of -104 ºC. Our ethylene capable vessels are suited to carry this cargo.

Propylene, like ethylene, is also a prime building block in the chemical industry and used in a wide variety of finished products. It has a boiling point of -47ºC.

Butadiene is primarily used in the production of synthetic rubber and has a boiling point of -5 ºC.

These three key petrochemical processed gases make up of the ingredients in the worlds production of processed derivatives which in turn are used in the manufacturing of a myriad end products such as

  • Food packaging
  • Medical equipment
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Consumer electronics
  • Footwear
  • Tyres
  • Paper
  • Textiles
  • Paints
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Nappies